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GEO Program Faculty

Administrative Page
UO Faculty: You will receive an email from GEO ( confirming your access to the GEO portal that will allow you to view applications for your program(s). You will select the 'UO Login' option and use your UO Duck ID and password to log in.

Non-UO Faculty: You will receive an email from GEO ( with a temporary password to the GEO portal after GEO has added your information to the system. You will select the 'Non-UO Login' option. After the first login, you will set your permanent password.

The website for the GEO portal is

When you log in, the Administrative home page will become your default page. You will view or review applications from the 'Shared Queries' section of the Administrative home page. To see your Administrative home page in the GEO portal, click the "Switch to Admin Page" button below. 


1. To find your students in the GEO portal, click on the "Shared Queries" for your program. "Shared Queries" can be found in the "My Queries & Reports" panel on your Administrative homepage.
Shared Queries

2. Click on the title of query. To review applications, please use the "Ready for Faculty Review" query as this will provide you with the list of applications that are complete and ready for your review.

The "All applications" query will allow you to access a list of all applicants who have applied to your program.
Shared Queries 2

3. This will display a clickable list of applications.
Shared Queries 3

Click here to download GEO Application System User Guide (PDF).

For questions, please contact GEO ( or your GEO program coordinator.
If a student has requested a recommendation from you through the GEO portal, you will see the "Recommender" on the top left. This page provides you with a list of applications who have requested recommendations that are pending and completed. You can access to a recommendation list by clicking the "Switch to Recommender Page" button below.